Is there an economic crash coming soon?

This is the topic on most people's minds and the more you watch the news this is the question more and more people are beginning to ask. 

It is certainly one of the questions I get asked most...

We have been facing this problem down for a number of years as the people that I personally follow have been on this train for a while.

One of the large reasons being that the baby boom generation started turning 70.5 years old last year, therefore there are required to start taking their retirement assets out of the market.

Eventually there will be far too many sellers and not enough buyers simply because of demographic trends.

Mike Maloney is probably the best person possible when it comes to currency and monetary history. He has an unbelievable video and educational series called the hidden secrets of money on YouTube that I highly highly recommend watching. You can find a link of that here: HIDDEN SECRETS OF MONEY.

He recently spoke about himself being "short on the dollar" and "long on global war." I explain more of that in the video but long story short is that the next crash will be a global crash unlike any other crash we've had before.

In the past it's really only been consolidated into a few countries whenever there was a financial crisis.

This time it is different.

I hope that you find these videos informative because it is something I'm very passionate about and it is something that many are scared to talk about.

I have many people ask me why I do this and I tell them that I feel I have an obligation and a duty to give back to those that are closest to me.

I feel I have the duty to let people know about the things I find when it comes to a subject that very few people truly know about, money.

I feel that we all must do what we can to help those around us and prepare ourselves so we can mitigate the problems ahead.

Stay Strong!
P.S. If you need a FREE seller checklist to prep your home to sell that took us years to put together then go HERE

P.P.S. If you are looking for the most updated homes on the market updated in real-time from the actual MLS then go HERE


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