⚠️ Is there a crash ahead?
Is this a question you find yourself asking?
Many people ask me if there is going to be a market crash coming...
...the answer lies in the first part of our series above that you can watch and skip around to see the dialogue I had with people on a recent FB Live about this very subject.
I also get asked where I get a lot of this information.
Believe me, I am no genius. I just try to study people who are in "the know" so I can better prepare my family, my employees, and our clients.
Below are a number of the books I study continuously and treat as operating manuals to our investing and our business...
In saying all of that, sellers are having a field day and taking advantage of the age old adage of "buy low, sell high."
We haven't seen home prices this high since before the "great recession."
You need a great exit strategy before you sell in this market so I would advise thinking through that plan and speaking to your trusted advisors (Realtor, CPA, attorney, financial planner, etc.)
If you want a FREE home seller checklist to prep your home to sell that took us years to put together click here.
Lastly, my team and I thank you for your trust and support in helping you and your loved ones through this large financial decision.
We make our living seeing people through this process day in and day out from all of your referrals and it means the world that you put your faith in us.
We are hoping to put together a Client Appreciation Event some time this year to show our THANKS so STAY TUNED!
Looking forward to a great year!
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