March Update - What Are You Improving On?

Is it spring yet? Michigan just couldn’t let us get out of winter without a few bad storms, huh?

I hope that you have had a GREAT new year so far. There are so many things going on in the world around us but the one thing that we can control is our thoughts, our attitude, and ourselves. Personally, something that has always plagued me has been my late bedtimes and hating the mornings. I blame it on all the late hockey games J  One of my big goals this year is to get to bed early and get up very early and establish my morning routine before the rest of the world is thinking about waking. I want a head start on everyone. It has been TOUGH. But, I am getting there. The last few weeks I have been going to bed early and rising early. I have been doing it for almost three weeks now, longest streak of my life. The routine in the morning is not down yet but I will take the small victories.

My whole point is that I have been working on improving every aspect of my life. I want to be at peak performance in all areas; faith, health, wealth, family, business, happiness, personal development.  I hope that I am not alone in this endeavor. I know that life is fast for all of us and we are all busy but I urge you to single out something you are going to change and improve in your life. Set small goals to achieve it and be consistent. We are all in this together.

I hope you and your family and friends are well. If there is anything I can do to help you or your loved ones in the real estate world please let me know. We can also connect you with many referrals in our database. Jessica and I are in the process of starting a couple more companies with business partners and family to start investing in more real estate apartments and the like. If you know of anyone looking to sell their real estate investments/property please let me know. Or if you are interested in learning more about what we are doing feel free to give me a ring!

God Bless,



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