Tales Of An Agent

I just want to write a little something here about Realtors and their ethics. It really bugs me when people are out actively trying to take listings away from other agents. The public is sorely misguided as to what sells their home. When people come in your house and tell you that you need to do this or you need to do that it is mind-boggling to me that people actually take random agents advice over the trained agent you've hired to sell your home. When you go through an interview process you talk about and thoroughly examine all of those things. When you have a random agent in your home that's telling you about how your chairs need to be arranged or your couch need to be moved over here there it is laughable.

Staging does play a factor in selling a home but if your home has small bedrooms and that's the feedback you have been getting, fixing chairs in the dining room isn't going to help sell your home. That coupled with pricing your home correctly from day one is what sells home. When you're home has sat on the market for months on end people will just lowball you and assume that there is something wrong with your home whether that is true or not. So pricing your house properly is indeed the most important factor in selling a home.

Do not take advice from people who just randomly walk through your home or have their real estate license. Make sure you VET all people who are telling you what you need to do or not to do. That is why you go through and interviewing and hiring process. Make sure you have an agent who is working diligently and advertising your home in creative ways and you are priced right. Do your homework before you list. If you have an agent who is just agreeing with the price you want to sell at then they have not done their homework. Thats why its so important to do yours.


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