You don't have to worry about your real estate team leaving you...
We get a lot of clients that used to work with other Realtors and we are very blessed and grateful for that, but that is one thing that you don't have to worry about with our team.
We aren't skipping around to shiny new objects, we have been here for years and will continue to be here to serve you and your real estate & financial needs.
Did you know 90% of Realtors are out of business within the first 2 years?
The question I get the most is; "I am thinking of getting into real estate, what should I do?"
I tell every single person, "if you are in for the long-haul then be committed, its a business. It is NOT a part-time hobby."
You are dealing with people's largest financial transaction of their lives and by far too many it is treated as simple as buying a toaster off of eBay.
See, we look at real estate as a full-service business.
It is our job as a real estate team to have referrals and resources in every area of life.
We have contractors, financial experts, loan officers, inspectors, you name it.
You can always count on our team to be there and we won't be gone one day leaving you to fend for yourself.
Real estate is a way of life for me and my team.
I was in real estate at Michigan State University and have studied it for years now since in both the investing capacity and the retail capacity.
It has been a blast building The Legacy Group and forming relationships with clients that I know will last a lifetime!
Thank you for being a valued client and most of all a valued friend.
We look forward to serving you and your loved ones for years to come!
Thank you,
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