Future Of The Real Estate Industry?

What is the future of the real estate industry as it pertains to the brokerage and the real estate team? 

I have seen many people join the real estate industry with little to no training at all or prior experience looking to their broker for that education and guidance.

Very few times though, have I actually seen the broker come through on that promise. 

Now some brokers are better than others and some make it known that they either don't want to be part of that process or that's not their thing. 

This is a huge missing link in the real estate industry. 

This is where teams have really come about and thrived over the last decade or two. 

The start of team building came from the need for more training and also an over-abundance of leads with a specific person.

With things like the D.A.N.G.E.R. report coming out in this past year and people hinting at different changes coming to the real estate industry, I think it's important that the talk be had within the real estate community in regards to the future of the brokerage and real estate team.

It's probably not a subject that is very highly thought of and high on people's list but it is something that is extremely important. Most agent's are not brokers and they aren't on teams. The vast majority of agents are solopreneurs working hard to build their business.

With the ever-changing world of tech we live in and the constantly evolving consumer we must stand on the forefront of what they want and need.

I think this is an area that is really going to change, dramatically, the course of the real estate industry over the next decade or two. 

It is a conversation that needs to be had within the real estate community.

Let's have it!


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