Real Estate Contracts
Read all contracts very carefully. Now I may be a little biased because I'm married to an attorney but that doesn't lessen the point of the significance. If you are getting yourself into a legally binding contract you must thoroughly read all elements of the contract and/or have your attorney do so. Knowing what you're getting yourself into could be the most important thing you do when it comes to a contract or buying a home. I have seen many people over the years quickly sign contracts with little regard to what is actually in the contract. I understand that feeling of just wanting to get something over with and get it done with and not have to worry about it but when it comes to your money and your well-being I suggest reading over everything. If you have questions then consult someone or a consult your attorney. Do not just take people's word for what is in the contract. I can't tell you how many times that has hurt people. I am guilty of it too sometimes and my wife has to remind me that you have to be very diligent when it comes to contracts. We all want to believe that people have good intentions and are good at heart but you never know when you're going to cross one of those "bad apples" that your mother always spoke about. Do not leave your money up for grabs and up for the legal system to decide what is right or wrong. Do your due diligence before-hand and consult your agent and then consult your attorney. The last thing you want to do is get in to an agreement you have no recourse for. I cannot stress the point enough. This is your quick real estate contract tip of the day!
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