Real Estate is NOT a Game

I get confronted a lot with people who say that "they are going to get their real estate license" or asking if they should. First thing I ask of them is, "are you ready to work?" Real estate is a business/job. It is NOT a hobby. It could be a hobby but it will pay you like a hobby and people will not like the service that you provide. It is a day in and day out 24/7 grind. Giving clients an amazing experience is one of the hardest things you'll ever do in your life. Giving your all, being available, and informative to your clients is your number one priority.

Most people are lured into real estate because of the ease to get in and the hopes of big dollars. Turnover is extremely high and most agents are out in the first year. I heard a stat the other day that 19 out of every 20 Realtors are gone by the end of their second year. They say if you can stay in past the three-year mark that you have something going and "you could potentially be successful." If you are committed, have the drive, and you can provide great service for people, sell yourself and your clients offer then you have a fighting chance. 

Starting a business is not something to take lightly. I would really recommend possibly starting a network marketing business or taking dozens of sales courses before you get into real estate. You have to be good at people and communication. It is a skill that I get better at and learn more about every day. To sell is human. This is a skill that everyone should learn. Sales  should be taught in school. We are in sales our entire lives, every single second we breathe. We are selling ourselves for a job or to get a new toy or to get a wife or husband, etc.. Sales mastery is a key element to any successful business endeavor. It really is key to life no matter what anyone tells you. You must get better at it to be successful. The success you have and enjoy and the money you earn can is directly related to how good your sales skills are.

Be a master of your craft. If you decide to do anything at all, be a master at what you do. Study your craft and know it inside and out. Become an expert in your field and others will soon flock to you. Remember the 10,000 hour rule that Malcolm Gladwell talks about in his book "Outliers." He says that studies confirm it really takes about 10,000 hours of practicing and studying a skill to become what we like to call an "expert." When you know your business inside and out, nothing can shake you and your confidence will reflect that and clients and skilled workers will flow to your business.

These really are some of the biggest keys I can give to you if you were thinking about a real estate career or any business endeavor for that matter. Learn sales, be dedicated, master your craft, then go get 'em!


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